
Aeriform Meaning in Bengali

Aeriform meaning in Bengali is বায়ুময় (bayumoy).

Part of Speech

Aeriform is an adjective.


The pronunciation of aeriform is eyr-uh-fawrm.

Aeriform Synonyms

Vaporous, gaseous, airy, ethereal, volatile.

Aeriform Antonyms

পদার্থময় (padarthomoy) – Material, ঠোঁটময় (thotomoy) – Solid.

Nearby Words

– Vaporize (verb)
– Airy (adjective)
– Gaseous (adjective)
– Ethereal (adjective)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

– “The aeriform substance filled the room, making it difficult to breathe.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.
– “Scientists have discovered a new aeriform compound with potential applications in space exploration.” – The National Gazette, 2nd June 2022.
– “The aeriform nature of the gas allowed it to spread rapidly throughout the building.” – The Evening Chronicle, 10th September 2022.
– “The aeriform state of the substance made it challenging to contain within the laboratory.” – The Morning Herald, 25th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

– Bengali: বায়ুময় (bayumoy)
– Arabic: هوائي (hawayi)
– Chinese: 气态的 (qìtài de)
– Tamil: வாயுமான (vāyumāṉ)
– Urdu: ہوائی (hawai)
– Telugu: వాయుమయమైన (vāyumayamaina)
– Russian: воздушный (vozdušnyj)

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