
Adventuress: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

অভিযাত্রিণী (abhiyātrinī), সাহসিক মহিলা (sāhāsika mahilā)

Part of Speech:




Adventuress Synonyms:

– Explorer
– Daredevil
– Risk-taker
– Thrill-seeker
– Swashbuckler

Adventuress Antonyms:

সাধারণ মহিলা (sādhāraṇa mahilā) – Ordinary woman

Nearby Words:

– Adventure (Noun)
– Adventurous (Adjective)
– Adventurously (Adverb)
– Adventurism (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

– “The adventuress embarked on a solo journey to explore the uncharted territories.” – The Daily Explorer, 15th March 2022.
– “The daring adventuress climbed the treacherous mountain peak without any assistance.” – The Thrill Seeker Times, 20th April 2022.
– “Local adventuress sets a new record by completing a skydiving marathon.” – The Risk Taker Gazette, 5th June 2022.
– “The audacious adventuress sailed across the vast ocean, facing numerous challenges along the way.” – The Swashbuckler Chronicle, 10th August 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: অভিযাত্রিণী (abhiyātrinī)
– Arabic: مغامرة (mughāmirah)
– Chinese: 冒险家 (màoxiǎn jiā)
– Tamil: தடையறையாளர் (Taṭaiyariyāḷar)
– Urdu: ساحرہ (sāhira)
– Telugu: సాహసిక మహిళ (sāhasika mahila)
– Russian: авантюристка (avantyuristka)

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