
Adroitness: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: দক্ষতা, নিপুণতা, চতুরতা, কৌশল, পারমার্থিকতা

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-droit-nis

Adroitness Synonyms:

Skillfulness, Dexterity, Expertise, Proficiency, Cleverness, Aptitude, Agility, Competence, Finesse, Quickness

Adroitness Antonyms:

Ineptitude (অনিপুণতা), Clumsiness (অদক্ষতা), Incompetence (অযোগ্যতা), Awkwardness (অসুবিধাজনকতা)

Nearby Words:

1. Skill (Noun) – দক্ষতা

2. Agility (Noun) – চতুরতা

3. Proficiency (Noun) – দক্ষতা

4. Dexterity (Noun) – দক্ষতা

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The adroitness of the gymnast amazed the audience.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022

2. “The adroitness with which she handled the difficult situation was commendable.” – The Daily Observer, 20th April 2022

3. “The politician’s adroitness in handling the media was evident during the press conference.” – The Independent, 5th May 2022

4. “The adroitness of the chef’s knife skills was showcased in the cooking competition.” – The Daily Sun, 10th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: দক্ষতা

Arabic: براعة

Chinese: 熟练

Tamil: திறமை

Urdu: مہارت

Telugu: నేర్పడానికి

Russian: ловкость

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