
Adlib: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Adlib is a noun in English that refers to the act of improvising or speaking or performing without preparation. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of improvising or speaking without preparation. The pronunciation of adlib is /ædˈlɪb/.

Adlib Synonyms

Some synonyms of adlib include extemporize, improvise, wing it, speak off the cuff, and make up on the spot.

Adlib Antonyms

In Bengali, the antonyms of adlib are প্রস্তুতভাবে কথা বলা (prastutbhabe kotha bala) and প্রস্তুতভাবে করা (prastutbhabe kora), which mean to speak or do something prepared or rehearsed.

Nearby Words

  • Improvisation (noun)
  • Spontaneous (adjective)
  • Impromptu (adjective)
  • Extempore (adverb)

Sentences from Different Newspapers

1. “The comedian adlibbed hilarious jokes during his stand-up performance.” – The Daily Times, May 15, 2022.

2. “The actor forgot his lines but managed to adlib his way through the scene.” – The National Herald, June 2, 2022.

3. “The politician’s adlib remarks caused controversy among the audience.” – The Evening Gazette, July 10, 2022.

4. “The singer adlibbed a beautiful melody during her live concert.” – The Morning Post, August 20, 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

  • Bengali: অদলিব (adlib)
  • Arabic: العزف المباشر (al’iizaf al’mubashir)
  • Chinese: 即兴表演 (jíxìng biǎoyǎn)
  • Tamil: தகவல் இலவசமாக (thakaval ilavasamāka)
  • Urdu: بے تیاری سے بولنا (be tayyari se bolna)
  • Telugu: అనుకరణ (anukaraṇa)
  • Russian: импровизировать (improvizirovat’)

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