
Adjustments: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

সমন্বয় (samonnoy), সংস্থাপন (sangsthapan), সংস্কার (sanskara), সংস্থাপনা (sangsthapana), সংস্কারকরণ (sanskarakaran)

Part of Speech:




Adjustments: Synonyms

Adaptation, modification, alteration, change, accommodation, arrangement, transformation, tuning, regulation, amendment

Adjustments: Antonyms (with meaning in Bengali)

অসমন্বয় (osamonnoy) – Disagreement, অসংস্থাপন (osangsthapan) – Disorganization, অসংস্কার (osanskara) – Disfigurement, অসংস্থাপনা (osangsthapana) – Displacement, অসংস্কারকরণ (osanskarakaran) – Distortion

Nearby Words:

  • Adjustable (Adjective)
  • Adjuster (Noun)
  • Adjusting (Verb)
  • Adjustment Bureau (Noun)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

  • “The government is making adjustments to the tax system to benefit low-income families.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022
  • “The company announced adjustments to its pricing strategy in response to market demands.” – The Financial Times, 15th April 2022
  • “The school made adjustments to the curriculum to accommodate students with special needs.” – The Guardian, 20th May 2022
  • “The coach made adjustments to the team’s formation during halftime.” – The Sports Gazette, 5th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

  • Bengali: সমন্বয়
  • Arabic: تعديل
  • Chinese: 调整
  • Tamil: சீர்திருத்தம்
  • Urdu: ترتیبات
  • Telugu: సరిపోవుట
  • Russian: регулировка

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