
Adjunction: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: যোগসহকরণ (yogosohokoron), সংযোগ (sangyoj), সংযোগসহকরণ (sangyojosohokoron)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: uh-juhngk-shuhn

Adjunction Synonyms:

1. Attachment

2. Addition

3. Incorporation

4. Annexation

5. Connection

Adjunction Antonyms:

বিযোজন (biyojon) – Separation

বিচ্ছেদ (bichched) – Division

বিভাজন (bibhajan) – Disjunction

বিচ্ছিন্নতা (bichchhinnota) – Disconnection

Nearby Words:

1. Adjoin (Verb) – সংযোজিত করা (sangyojit kora)

2. Adjunct (Noun) – সংযোজক (sangyojok)

3. Adjudge (Verb) – সিদ্ধান্ত ঘোষণা করা (siddhanto ghoshona kora)

4. Adjust (Verb) – সমন্বয় করা (somonboy kora)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The adjunction of new members to the committee will bring fresh perspectives.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The adjunction of technology and education has revolutionized the learning process.” – The Guardian, 20th June 2021

3. “The adjunction of these two companies will create a powerful alliance in the market.” – The Economic Times, 5th September 2020

4. “The adjunction of additional funds will help accelerate the completion of the project.” – The Telegraph, 10th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: যোগসহকরণ (yogosohokoron)

Arabic: الإلحاق (al’ilhaq)

Chinese: 附加 (fùjiā)

Tamil: சேர்க்கை (Cērkkai)

Urdu: اضافہ (izafah)

Telugu: జోడింపు (Jōdiṁpu)

Russian: присоединение (prisoedineniye)

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