
Adjacencies: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

সন্নিকটস্থতা, পাশাপাশি থাকা, সংলগ্নতা, সম্পর্ক, সম্পর্কস্থল, সম্পর্কস্থলের পাশে থাকা

Part of Speech:



[uh-jey-suh n-seez]

Adjacencies: Synonyms

– Proximity
– Closeness
– Nearness
– Contiguity
– Vicinity
– Propinquity

Adjacencies: Antonyms (with meaning in Bengali)

– Distance (দূরত্ব)
– Separation (বিভাজন)
– Isolation (বিচ্ছিন্নতা)
– Detachment (বিচ্ছিন্নতা)

Adjacencies: Nearby Words

– Proximity (Noun)
– Closeness (Noun)
– Contiguity (Noun)
– Vicinity (Noun)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

– “The adjacencies of the two buildings allowed for easy communication between the departments.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.
– “The adjacencies of the shops in the mall make it convenient for shoppers to move from one store to another.” – The City Gazette, 25th June 2022.
– “The adjacencies of the houses in the neighborhood fostered a strong sense of community.” – The Local Herald, 5th September 2022.
– “The adjacencies of the classrooms in the school promote collaboration among students.” – The Education Post, 10th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

– Bengali: সন্নিকটস্থতা
– Arabic: قرب
– Chinese: 邻近
– Tamil: அருகில்
– Urdu: قربت
– Telugu: సన్నిహితం
– Russian: Соседство

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