
Adhere: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: মান্য থাকা, মেনে চলা, অনুসরণ করা, অনুসরণ করা, পালন করা

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-dheer

Adhere Synonyms:

Stick, Cling, Attach, Bond, Conform, Follow, Observe, Comply, Abide, Embrace

Adhere Antonyms:

Detach (বিচ্ছিন্ন করা), Separate (পৃথক করা), Disobey (অমান্য করা), Defy (মুখাতিল করা)

Nearby Words:

Adhesion (Noun), Adherent (Noun), Adherently (Adverb), Adhesiveness (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The government has urged citizens to adhere to the new safety guidelines.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022

2. “The company’s success can be attributed to its ability to adhere to strict quality standards.” – The Business Times, 15th June 2022

3. “Despite the challenges, the team managed to adhere to the project timeline.” – The Tech Chronicle, 25th September 2022

4. “The school expects all students to adhere to the dress code policy.” – The Education Gazette, 5th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: মান্য থাকা, মেনে চলা, অনুসরণ করা

Arabic: التزم, التصاق, الالتصاق

Chinese: 坚持, 遵守, 依附

Tamil: நிறைவு, பின்புற, மேலும்

Urdu: پابند, چسپاندہ, لگانا

Telugu: అనుసరించు, అనుసరించు, అనుసరించు

Russian: придерживаться, прилипать, прилипать

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