additional chief secretary

Additional Chief Secretary

Meaning in Bengali:

অতিরিক্ত প্রধান সচিব (atirikta pradhan sachib), অতিরিক্ত প্রধান সচিব (atirikta pradhan sachib), অতিরিক্ত প্রধান সচিব (atirikta pradhan sachib), অতিরিক্ত প্রধান সচিব (atirikta pradhan sachib)

Part of Speech:



[uh-dish-uh-nl cheef sek-ri-ter-ee]

Additional Chief Secretary Synonyms:

– Deputy Chief Secretary
– Senior Secretary
– Principal Secretary
– Chief Secretary

Additional Chief Secretary Antonyms:

প্রধান সচিব (pradhan sachib)

Nearby Words:

– Additional
– Part of Speech: Adjective
– Chief
– Part of Speech: Noun
– Secretary
– Part of Speech: Noun
– Government
– Part of Speech: Noun

Sentences used in different newspapers:

– “The Additional Chief Secretary of the state addressed the media regarding the new policy.” – The Times of India, 15th March 2022.
– “The Additional Chief Secretary assured the public that necessary actions will be taken to resolve the issue.” – The Hindu, 20th April 2022.
– “According to sources, the Additional Chief Secretary will be retiring next month.” – The Telegraph, 5th May 2022.
– “The Additional Chief Secretary’s statement created a stir among the political circles.” – The Indian Express, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in different languages:

– Bengali: অতিরিক্ত প্রধান সচিব
– Arabic: الأمين العام المساعد
– Chinese: 附加总秘书
– Tamil: கூடுதல் முதன்மை செயலாளர்
– Urdu: اضافی مکمل سیکرٹری
– Telugu: అదనపు ముఖ్య సచివుడు
– Russian: Дополнительный главный секретарь


– The Free Dictionary:

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