
Achievable: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Achievable is an English word that can be translated into Bengali with the following meanings: সম্ভব (sombhob), সাধ্য (sadhya), প্রাপ্য (prapy), সম্ভাব্য (sombhabyo). It is an adjective and is pronounced as uh-chee-vuh-buhl.

Achievable Synonyms

Some synonyms of achievable are attainable, possible, feasible, doable, and realizable.

Achievable Antonyms

The antonyms of achievable in Bengali are অসম্ভব (osombhob), অসাধ্য (osadhya), অপ্রাপ্য (oprapy), and অসম্ভাব্য (osombhabyo).

Nearby Words

1. Accomplish (verb) – সম্পন্ন করা (shomponno kora)
2. Attain (verb) – অর্জন করা (orjon kora)
3. Feasible (adjective) – সম্ভব (sombhob)
4. Realistic (adjective) – যথার্থসম্মত (jatharthsommot)

Sentences from Newspapers

1. “The government believes that achieving sustainable development goals is an achievable target.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The team’s victory in the championship seemed unachievable, but they proved everyone wrong.” – The Daily Sun, 20th June 2021.
3. “The company set ambitious yet achievable sales targets for the upcoming quarter.” – The Financial Express, 5th September 2020.
4. “The government’s efforts to provide quality education for all are commendable and achievable.” – The Independent, 10th November 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সম্ভব (sombhob)
Arabic: قابل للتحقيق (qabil litahqiq)
Chinese: 可实现的 (kě shíxiàn de)
Tamil: முடியும் (muṭiyum)
Urdu: حاصل کرنے کے قابل (haasil karne ke qabil)
Telugu: సాధ్యం (sādhyaṁ)
Russian: достижимый (dostizhimyy)

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