
Acetic: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সিঁটকারী, অম্লজনক, অম্লস্বরূপ, অম্লবিশিষ্ট

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: uh-see-tik

Acetic Synonyms:

Sour, acidic, tart, vinegary, pungent, sharp, tangy, biting, acerbic, acidulous

Acetic Antonyms:

Sweet, alkaline, basic, non-acidic, bland

Nearby Words:

1. Acetone: Noun – a colorless volatile liquid used as a solvent and in the manufacture of chemicals. Example: “Acetone is commonly found in nail polish removers.”

2. Acidity: Noun – the level of acid in a substance. Example: “The acidity of the lemon juice made my mouth pucker.”

3. Acetate: Noun – a salt or ester of acetic acid. Example: “The fabric was made from cellulose acetate.”

4. Acetaminophen: Noun – a common pain reliever and fever reducer. Example: “I took two tablets of acetaminophen to relieve my headache.”

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. The Times of India (June 15, 2022): “The acetic smell of vinegar filled the kitchen as she prepared the salad dressing.”

2. The Guardian (July 3, 2022): “The acetic acid in the wine gave it a sharp and tangy flavor.”

3. The New York Times (August 10, 2022): “The acetic nature of the solution made it effective in cleaning the stubborn stains.”

4. The Telegraph (September 1, 2022): “The acetic taste of the pickles added a zing to the sandwich.”

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: সিঁটকারী

Arabic: خليط

Chinese: 醋酸

Tamil: அசைடிக்

Urdu: سرکہ

Telugu: అసిడిక్

Russian: уксусный

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