
According: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: অনুযায়ী, অনুসারে, অনুযায়ী হিসাবে

Part of Speech: Preposition, Adverb

Pronunciation: uh-kawr-ding

According Synonyms:

As per, In accordance with, In line with, In keeping with, In conformity with, In agreement with, In harmony with, In compliance with, In consonance with, In correspondence with

According Antonyms:

Contrary to (বিরুদ্ধে), Opposite to (বিপরীতে), Disregarding (উপেক্ষা করে), Ignoring (উপেক্ষা করে)

Nearby Words:

Accord (Noun), Accordion (Noun), Accost (Verb), Account (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. According to The Times of India, the government is planning to introduce new tax reforms. (The Times of India, 10th March 2022)

2. The report states that, according to experts, climate change is a pressing issue. (The Guardian, 15th April 2022)

3. According to a study published in The New York Times, regular exercise can improve mental health. (The New York Times, 20th May 2022)

4. The research findings suggest that, according to scientists, the vaccine is effective against the new variant. (The Washington Post, 5th June 2022)

Meaning in different languages:

Bengali: অনুযায়ী

Arabic: وفقا لـ

Chinese: 根据

Tamil: பொருள்கள்

Urdu: کے مطابق

Telugu: ప్రకారం

Russian: Согласно

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