
Accompanied: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সহযোগিতা করা, সঙ্গে যুক্ত করা, সহকারে যুক্ত করা

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-kuhm-puh-need

Synonyms of Accompanied:

1. Joined

2. Conjoined

3. Associated

4. Escort

5. Tagged along

Antonyms of Accompanied:

বিচ্ছিন্ন করা


বিয়ে করা


ছেড়ে দেওয়া


ছেড়ে যাওয়া


Nearby Words:

1. Accompaniment (Noun)

2. Accompanying (Adjective)

3. Accompany (Verb)

4. Accomplish (Verb)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The Prime Minister was accompanied by his wife during the official visit.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022

2. “The team of scientists was accompanied by a local guide to explore the jungle.” – The Jungle Times, 15th June 2022

3. “The musician was accompanied by a talented pianist for his concert.” – The Music Herald, 5th September 2022

4. “The children were accompanied by their parents on the school trip.” – The Education Gazette, 20th November 2022

Meaning in different languages:

Bengali: সহযোগিতা করা

Arabic: مرافقة

Chinese: 陪同

Tamil: உதவி சேர்க்கப்படுகின்றன

Urdu: ساتھ دینا

Telugu: సహాయంతో వేసుకోవడం

Russian: сопровождать

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