accession list

Accession List: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

অ্যাক্সেশন তালিকা (akseṣana ṭalika)

Part of Speech:



/əkˈsɛʃ(ə)n lɪst/

Accession List Synonyms:

– Inventory
– Catalogue
– Register
– Index
– Record

Accession List Antonyms:

বিক্রয় তালিকা (bikraya ṭalika) – Sales List

Nearby Words:

– Accession (Noun)
– Accessible (Adjective)
– Access (Noun)
– Accede (Verb)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers:

– “The museum has added several new items to its accession list, including rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.” – The Daily Gazette, 15th March 2022.
– “The library’s accession list has grown significantly with the donation of a valuable collection of books.” – The Tribune, 2nd July 2021.
– “The government has released the accession list of historical monuments that will receive funding for restoration.” – The National Herald, 10th September 2020.
– “The university’s accession list of research papers showcases the diverse range of topics being explored by its faculty.” – The Academic Times, 5th November 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: অ্যাক্সেশন তালিকা (akseṣana ṭalika)
– Arabic: قائمة الانضمام (qa’imatan alaindam)
– Chinese: 加入列表 (jiārù lièbiǎo)
– Tamil: சேர்க்கை பட்டியல் (Cērkkai paṭṭiyal)
– Urdu: انضمام فہرست (inḍamām fahrist)
– Telugu: చేరుకునే జాబితా (Cērukunē jābitā)
– Russian: Список присоединения (Spisok prisoyedineniya)


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