
Access: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Access meaning in Bengali: প্রবেশ (prabesh), প্রাপ্তি (prapti), প্রাপ্যতা (prapyata)

Part of speech: noun

Pronunciation: uhk-ses

Access Synonyms

1. Entry

2. Admission

3. Approach

4. Passage

5. Ingress

Access Antonyms

1. Exit – প্রস্থান (prosthan)

2. Egress – প্রস্থান (prosthan)

3. Exclusion – বাদ (bad)

4. Denial – অস্বীকার (osvikar)

Nearby Words

1. Accessibility (noun)

2. Accessible (adjective)

3. Accessory (noun)

4. Accede (verb)

Sentences Used in Different Newspapers

1. “The government is working towards providing better access to education for all children.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The new bridge will improve access to the remote village.” – The Daily Gazette, 20th April 2022

3. “The website offers easy access to a wide range of products.” – The Daily Herald, 5th May 2022

4. “The company is committed to ensuring equal access to job opportunities.” – The Daily Post, 10th June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: প্রবেশ (prabesh), প্রাপ্তি (prapti), প্রাপ্যতা (prapyata)

Arabic: الوصول (alwasul)

Chinese: 访问 (fǎngwèn)

Tamil: அணுகல் (aṇukal)

Urdu: رسائی (rasai)

Telugu: ప్రవేశం (pravēśaṁ)

Russian: доступ (dostup)

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