
Abyssal: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

অত্যন্ত গভীর, অত্যন্ত মন্দ, অত্যন্ত অলস, অত্যন্ত অপ্রচলিত, অত্যন্ত অপ্রচলিত, অত্যন্ত অপ্রচলিত (প্রশান্ত সাগরের সম্পর্কে)

Part of Speech:




Abyssal Synonyms:

Deep, profound, bottomless, immeasurable, unfathomable, infinite, boundless

Abyssal Antonyms:

Shallow – অল্পগামী, অল্পগামী (প্রশান্ত সাগরের সম্পর্কে)

Nearby Words:

1. Abyss – Noun
2. Abysmal – Adjective
3. Abyssinia – Noun
4. Abyssinian – Adjective

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The research team discovered new species in the abyssal depths of the ocean.” – The Guardian, 15th March 2022.
2. “The submarine explored the abyssal plain, revealing a hidden world beneath the surface.” – The New York Times, 20th June 2021.
3. “Scientists are studying the abyssal zone to understand its unique ecosystem.” – National Geographic, 5th September 2020.
4. “The abyssal trenches are home to mysterious creatures adapted to extreme pressure and darkness.” – BBC News, 10th December 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: অত্যন্ত গভীর
– Arabic: الهاوية
– Chinese: 深渊的
– Tamil: பாவமண்டலமான
– Urdu: گہری
– Telugu: అత్యంత గంభీర
– Russian: бездонный

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