
Absolution: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Absolution is a noun that refers to the act of forgiving someone for their sins or wrongdoings. It can also mean the formal release from guilt or punishment by a religious authority.

Pronunciation: ab-suh-loo-shun

Absolution Synonyms

Forgiveness, pardon, exoneration, remission, acquittal, clemency, indulgence, mercy, reprieve.

Absolution Antonyms (in Bengali)

Pratishtha (প্রতিষ্ঠা), Doshmukti (দোষমুক্তি), Kshama (ক্ষমা), Mafi (মাফি).

Nearby Words

1. Atonement (noun) – Prayaschitta (প্রায়শ্চিত্ত)
2. Redemption (noun) – Mukti (মুক্তি)
3. Forgiveness (noun) – Kshama (ক্ষমা)
4. Penance (noun) – Tapasya (তাপস্যা)

Sentences from Different Newspapers

1. “The priest granted absolution to the repentant sinner.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022.
2. “The accused sought absolution from the court for his crimes.” – The National Herald, 20th June 2022.
3. “The Pope offered absolution to the faithful during the holy ceremony.” – The Catholic Gazette, 5th April 2022.
4. “The politician’s public apology was seen as a form of absolution by his supporters.” – The Political Tribune, 10th September 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: ক্ষমা (Kshama)
Arabic: مغفرة (Maghfirah)
Chinese: 赦免 (Shèmiǎn)
Tamil: மன்னிப்பு (Mannippu)
Urdu: بخشش (Bakhshish)
Telugu: క్షమా (Kshamā)
Russian: освобождение (osvobozhdeniye)

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