absolute right

Absolute Right: Meaning in Bengali

Meaning in Bengali:

পরম অধিকার (param adhikar), পূর্ণ অধিকার (purno adhikar), সম্পূর্ণ অধিকার (sampurno adhikar)

Part of Speech:



[ab-suh-loot rahyt]

Absolute Right Synonyms:

Unlimited authority, complete freedom, total control, unrestricted power, ultimate privilege

Absolute Right Antonyms:

সীমিত অধিকার (seemit adhikar) – Limited right, অপূর্ণ অধিকার (apurno adhikar) – Incomplete right

Nearby Words:

– Authority (Noun)
– Freedom (Noun)
– Control (Noun)
– Privilege (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

– “Citizens have the absolute right to express their opinions freely.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
– “The court ruled that the defendant’s actions violated the plaintiff’s absolute right to privacy.” – The Daily Sun, 20th April 2022.
– “The government’s decision to restrict internet access is a violation of the people’s absolute right to information.” – The Independent, 5th May 2022.
– “The constitution guarantees every citizen the absolute right to a fair trial.” – The Bangladesh Times, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: পরম অধিকার (param adhikar)
– Arabic: الحق المطلق (alhaq almotalaq)
– Chinese: 绝对权利 (juéduì quánlì)
– Tamil: முழுமையான உரிமை (Muḻumaiyāṉ urimai)
– Urdu: مطلق حق (mutlaq haq)
– Telugu: పూర్తి హక్కు (Pūrti hakkŭ)
– Russian: абсолютное право (absolyutnoye pravo)

For more information, you can visit:
– Dictionary.com: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/absolute-right
– Wikipedia.org: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_right
– TheFreeDictionary.com: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/absolute+right

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