
Ablest Meaning in Bengali


Ablest meaning in Bengali is সক্ষমতম, প্রবীণতম, দক্ষতম, প্রবীণতম, প্রবীণতম।

Part of Speech:




Ablest Synonyms:

Most capable, Most skilled, Most proficient, Most talented, Most competent

Ablest Antonyms:

Least capable – সর্বনিম্ন সক্ষম, Least skilled – সর্বনিম্ন দক্ষ, Least proficient – সর্বনিম্ন দক্ষ, Least talented – সর্বনিম্ন প্রবীণ, Least competent – সর্বনিম্ন যোগ্য

Nearby Words:

Ability (Noun), Abler (Adjective), Able (Adjective), Ableness (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “He is considered the ablest politician of our time.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.

2. “The ablest minds in the industry are working on this project.” – The Daily Observer, 20th April 2022.

3. “The ablest students were awarded scholarships for their outstanding performance.” – The Daily Prothom Alo, 5th May 2022.

4. “The ablest doctors in the country gathered to discuss the latest medical advancements.” – The Daily Ittefaq, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in different languages:

Bengali: সক্ষমতম, Arabic: الأكثر قدرة, Chinese: 最有能力的, Tamil: மிகுந்த திறமையான, Urdu: سب سے زیادہ قابل, Telugu: అత్యుత్తమ, Russian: самый способный