
Abigail: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Abigail is a feminine given name of Hebrew origin. In Bengali, it can be translated as আবিগেইল. It is commonly used as a proper noun.

Synonyms of Abigail

1. Abby, Gail, Gayle, Gale

2. Abbie, Abi, Abigale, Abigayle

3. Nabby, Nabi, Nabiha

Antonyms of Abigail

প্রতিকূল শব্দ: অবিগেইলের বিপরীত অর্থ নেই।

Nearby Words

1. Abide (verb) – মেনে চলা

2. Ability (noun) – দক্ষতা

3. Abnormal (adjective) – অস্বাভাবিক

4. Abandon (verb) – পরিত্যাগ করা

Sentences from Different Newspapers

1. “Abigail’s artwork was displayed at the local gallery.” – The Daily News, 10th March 2022

2. “The police arrested Abigail for her involvement in the robbery.” – The Times, 15th April 2022

3. “Abigail’s performance in the play was outstanding.” – The Guardian, 20th May 2022

4. “Abigail’s research paper won the prestigious award.” – The Independent, 1st June 2022

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: আবিগেইল

Arabic: أبيجيل

Chinese: 阿比盖尔

Tamil: அபிகேயில்

Urdu: ابیگیل

Telugu: అబిగేయిల్

Russian: Абигейл

For more information, you can visit dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, and thefreedictionary.com.