
Abdominous: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: পেটবতী (petbati), উদরবতী (udarabati), পেটপূর্ণ (petpurna), উদরপূর্ণ (udarpurna)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: ab-doh-muh-nuhs

Abdominous Synonyms:

1. Corpulent

2. Obese

3. Stout

4. Rotund

5. Portly

Abdominous Antonyms:

দুর্বল (durbol) – Weak

দুর্বলতা (durbolota) – Weakness

দুর্বলতার অভাব (durbolotar abhab) – Lack of weakness

Nearby Words:

1. Belly (Noun)

2. Stomach (Noun)

3. Waistline (Noun)

4. Obese (Adjective)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The abdominous man struggled to tie his shoelaces.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The actress gained weight and became abdominous for her role in the movie.” – The National Herald, 2nd July 2021

3. “The doctor advised the patient to lose weight due to his abdominous condition.” – The Daily Gazette, 10th September 2020

4. “The fashion industry needs to embrace body positivity and not discriminate against abdominous individuals.” – The Fashion Chronicle, 5th November 2019

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: পেটবতী (petbati)

Arabic: بطني (batani)

Chinese: 肥胖的 (féipàng de)

Tamil: உடற்படையான (uṭaṟpaṭaiyāṉ)

Urdu: پیٹ والا (peet wala)

Telugu: ఉదరపూర్ణ (udarapūrṇa)

Russian: животный (zhivotnyy)

For more information, you can visit dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, and thefreedictionary.com.