
Abdicate: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

পদত্যাগ (pôdôtyag), পদত্যাগ করা (pôdôtyag kôra), পদত্যাগ করে দেওয়া (pôdôtyag kôre deoya)

Part of Speech:





Renounce, Resign, Surrender, Relinquish, Give up, Step down, Quit


অবশ্যম্ভাবী (ôbôshyombhabi) – Impossible, অসম্ভব (ôshombôb) – Infeasible, অসাধ্য (ôsadhya) – Unattainable

Nearby Words:

1. Abdication (Noun)
2. Abdomen (Noun)
3. Abduct (Verb)
4. Abduction (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The king decided to abdicate the throne and retire from public life.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The prime minister’s sudden abdication shocked the nation.” – The Bangladesh Times, 20th April 2022.
3. “The CEO’s abdication led to a major restructuring of the company.” – The Financial Express, 5th May 2022.
4. “The athlete announced his abdication from professional sports due to injury.” – The Daily Sun, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in different languages:

– Bengali: পদত্যাগ (pôdôtyag)
– Arabic: تنازل (tanazul)
– Chinese: 退位 (tuìwèi)
– Tamil: அரசாங்கத்தின் முன்னிலை விடுதல் (aracāṅkat-tiṉ muṉṉilai viṭutal)
– Urdu: تخلیص (takhliṣ)
– Telugu: రాజాధిరాజ్యం నిరసన (rājādhirājyaṁ nirasan)
– Russian: отречься (otrech’sya)

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