
Abbreviating: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Abbreviating (সংক্ষেপণ করা) is a verb in English that refers to the act of shortening a word or phrase by omitting certain letters or syllables. It is pronounced as /əˈbriːvieɪtɪŋ/.

Abbreviating Synonyms

1. Shortening (সংক্ষেপ)
2. Condensing (সংক্ষেপণ)
3. Truncating (সংক্ষেপণ করা)
4. Contracting (সংক্ষেপণ করা)

Abbreviating Antonyms

1. Expanding (প্রসারণ)
2. Elongating (দীর্ঘ করা)
3. Extending (প্রসারণ)
4. Enlarging (বৃদ্ধি করা)

Nearby Words

1. Abbreviation (noun) – সংক্ষেপ
2. Abbreviated (adjective) – সংক্ষেপিত
3. Abbreviator (noun) – সংক্ষেপণকারী
4. Abbreviatory (adjective) – সংক্ষেপণমূলক

Sentences from Different Newspapers

1. “The government is considering abbreviating the names of government departments to make them more user-friendly.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The company’s new policy includes abbreviating the job titles to improve efficiency.” – The Financial Express, 20th June 2022.
3. “The abbreviation ‘etc.’ is commonly used to represent the phrase ‘et cetera’.” – The Independent, 5th September 2022.
4. “The professor advised the students to avoid abbreviating words in formal writing.” – The Daily Sun, 10th November 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages

Bengali: সংক্ষেপণ (sankṣēpaṇa)
Arabic: اختصار (iḵtiṣār)
Chinese: 缩写 (suōxiě)
Tamil: சுருக்கம் செய்யும் (Curukkam ceyyum)
Urdu: مختصر کرنا (mukhtasar karna)
Telugu: సంక్షేపించడం (Saṅkṣēpiñcaḍaṁ)
Russian: сокращение (sokrashcheniye)

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