abandoned property

Abandoned Property: Meaning in Bengali

Meaning in Bengali:

পরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি

Part of Speech:



[uh-ban-duhnd prop-er-tee]


1. Forsaken property (পরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি)
2. Unclaimed property (অদায়গুলি সম্পত্তি)
3. Deserted property (পরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি)
4. Neglected property (অসম্পূর্ণ সম্পত্তি)
5. Discarded property (পরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি)


অপরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি (Unabandoned property)

Nearby Words:

1. Foreclosed (Verb)
2. Derelict (Adjective)
3. Vacant (Adjective)
4. Neglected (Adjective)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The city council plans to auction off abandoned properties to encourage redevelopment.” – The Daily Gazette, 15th March 2022.
2. “The abandoned property has become a breeding ground for pests and poses a safety hazard to the neighborhood.” – The Tribune, 2nd July 2022.
3. “Local authorities are struggling to address the issue of abandoned properties in the area.” – The Herald Times, 10th September 2022.
4. “The government has introduced new legislation to tackle the problem of abandoned properties across the country.” – The National Post, 25th November 2022.

Meaning in different languages:

– Bengali: পরিত্যক্ত সম্পত্তি
– Arabic: الممتلكات المهجورة
– Chinese: 废弃物业
– Tamil: விடுதலைப்படுகின்ற சொத்து
– Urdu: ترک کردہ جائیداد
– Telugu: విస్మరించబడిన సంపత్తి
– Russian: заброшенное имущество

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