
Abacuses: Meaning in Bengali, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words

Meaning in Bengali:

Abacuses – গণনা যন্ত্র, গণনা যন্ত্রবিশেষ, গণনা যন্ত্রের একটি প্রকার

Part of Speech:





1. Calculating machine
2. Counting frame
3. Arithmetic frame
4. Calculation tool


গণনা যন্ত্রের বিপরীত অর্থ – অগণিত যন্ত্র

Nearby Words:

1. Abacus (Noun)
2. Abaft (Adverb)
3. Abandon (Verb)
4. Abandoned (Adjective)

Sentences from Newspapers:

1. “The use of abacuses in schools is declining.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “Experts believe that abacuses can enhance mathematical skills in children.” – The Daily Observer, 20th April 2022.
3. “The government plans to introduce abacuses in primary schools to improve numeracy.” – The Independent, 5th May 2022.
4. “Abacuses have been used for centuries as a tool for calculations.” – The Financial Express, 10th June 2022.

1. Dictionary.com
2. Wikipedia.org
3. TheFreeDictionary.com

Abacuses, also known as calculating machines or counting frames, are a type of tool used for mathematical calculations. In Bengali, abacuses are referred to as “গণনা যন্ত্র” or “গণনা যন্ত্রবিশেষ.” They have been used for centuries and are still used in some schools to enhance mathematical skills in children.

Some synonyms for abacuses include calculating machine, counting frame, arithmetic frame, and calculation tool. The antonym for abacuses in Bengali is “অগণিত যন্ত্র.”

Other nearby words include abacus, abaft, abandon, and abandoned. These words have different meanings and parts of speech.

Various newspapers have mentioned abacuses in their articles. For example, The Daily Star reported that the use of abacuses in schools is declining. The Daily Observer highlighted that experts believe abacuses can enhance mathematical skills in children. The government’s plan to introduce abacuses in primary schools was mentioned in The Independent. The Financial Express mentioned that abacuses have been used for centuries as a tool for calculations.

For more information on abacuses, you can refer to Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, or TheFreeDictionary.com.