ab invito

Ab Invito Meaning in Bengali

Ab Invito is a Latin phrase that means “against one’s will” or “without invitation.” It is commonly used to describe something that is done or happening against someone’s wishes or without their consent.

Part of Speech:

Ab Invito is a Latin phrase used as an adverb.


The pronunciation of Ab Invito is [ahb in-vee-toh].

Ab Invito Synonyms:

1. Involuntarily, Unwillingly, Reluctantly, Coercively.

Ab Invito Antonyms:

Against one’s will (Bengali meaning: একজনের ইচ্ছার বিরুদ্ধে), Without invitation (Bengali meaning: আমন্ত্রণ ছাড়াই).

Nearby Words:

1. Ab Intra (Latin phrase, meaning: from within)

2. Ab Initio (Latin phrase, meaning: from the beginning)

3. Ab Irato (Latin phrase, meaning: from an angry person)

4. Ab Intestato (Latin phrase, meaning: without a will)

1. Dictionary.com

2. Wikipedia.org

3. TheFreeDictionary.com