ab initio

Ab Initio Meaning in Bengali

Ab Initio (এবি ইনিশিও) is a Latin term that is commonly used in English. It is an adverbial phrase that means “from the beginning” or “from the start.” The term is often used in legal contexts to refer to something that is considered to be valid or true from its inception.

Part of Speech:

Adverbial Phrase


ab ih-nish-ee-oh

Ab Initio Synonyms:

1. Initially, 2. Originally, 3. Primarily, 4. In the first place

Ab Initio Antonyms:

শেষ থেকে (shesh theke) – From the end

Nearby Words:

1. Abandon (Verb), 2. Abate (Verb), 3. Abbreviate (Verb), 4. Abduct (Verb)




About Ab Initio

Ab Initio is a Latin phrase that has been adopted into the English language. It is commonly used in legal and academic contexts to indicate something that is valid or true from the beginning or start. The phrase is often used to establish the initial status or condition of a subject matter. It can also be used to describe actions or decisions that are made without prior knowledge or consideration of existing circumstances.

For example, in legal proceedings, a contract may be deemed void ab initio if it was entered into under fraudulent circumstances. This means that the contract is considered null and void from the moment it was created, as if it never existed.

Overall, ab initio is a useful term that allows for precise communication when discussing matters that pertain to their origins or beginnings.