Bare-faced meaning in Bengali: নগ্নমুখ, নগ্নমুখী, নগ্নমুখিতা (nagnamukh, nagnamukhi, nagnamukhita)
Part of speech: adjective
Pronunciation: (behr-feyst)
Nearby words:
- 1. Bare: adjective, নগ্ন (nagna)
- 2. Barefoot: adjective, নগ্নপা (nagnapa)
- 3. Barely: adverb, অত্যন্ত কম (atyanta kom)
Bare-faced synonyms:
- 1. Shameless: adjective, নিষ্ঠুর (nishtur)
- 2. Audacious: adjective, অহংকারী (ohankari)
- 3. Brazen: adjective, নিষ্ঠুর (nishtur)
- 4. Impudent: adjective, অহংকারী (ohankari)
- 5. Bold: adjective, সাহসী (sahasi)
- 6. Cheeky: adjective, ধৃষ্ট (dhrisht)
Origination of ‘bare-faced:
The term ‘bare-faced’ originated from the combination of the words ‘bare’ and ‘faced’. It refers to someone who is shameless, audacious, or impudent in their actions or behavior.
- 1. Modest: adjective, মর্যাদাপূর্ণ (maryadapurna)
- 2. Shy: adjective, লজ্জাশীল (lojjashil)
- 3. Reserved: adjective, সংযত (sangyo)
- 4. Timid: adjective, ভীরু (bhiru)
- 5. Humble: adjective, বিনীত (binīta)
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