
Accustom: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: অভ্যস্ত করা, প্রচলিত করা, প্রশিক্ষিত করা

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-kuhs-tuhm

Accustom Synonyms:

Familiarize, Habituate, Train, Inure, Adapt, Adjust, Condition, Acclimate, School, Indoctrinate

Accustom Antonyms:

Unfamiliarize (অপরিচিত করা), Disaccustom (অভ্যস্ত করা বন্ধ করা)

Nearby Words:

Accurate (Adjective), Accusation (Noun), Accuse (Verb), Accused (Noun), Accuser (Noun)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The government plans to accustom citizens to the new tax regulations.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The training program aims to accustom employees to the company’s safety protocols.” – The Business Chronicle, 25th June 2022

3. “Parents should accustom their children to healthy eating habits from an early age.” – The Parenting Gazette, 5th September 2022

4. “The coach will accustom the team to the rigorous training schedule.” – The Sports Tribune, 10th November 2022

Meaning in Different Languages:

Bengali: অভ্যস্ত করা

Arabic: عاد

Chinese: 使习惯

Tamil: பழக்கமாக்கு

Urdu: عادت

Telugu: అభ్యస్తం చేయడం

Russian: привыкнуть

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