
Absorbent: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

শোষক (shoshok), শোষণশীল (shoshonshil), শোষণকারী (shoshonkari)

Part of Speech:

Adjective, Noun


/əbˈsɔːrbənt/ (adjective), /əbˈsɔːrbənt/ (noun)

Absorbent Synonyms:

Spongy, Porous, Thirsty, Hygroscopic, Imbibing

Absorbent Antonyms:

Nonabsorbent (অশোষক)

Nearby Words:

1. Absorb:

Verb – শোষণ করা (shoshon kora)

2. Absorbency:

Noun – শোষণশীলতা (shoshonshilota)

3. Absorbed:

Adjective – মুগ্ধ (mugdho)

4. Absorbing:

Adjective – আকর্ষণীয় (akorshonio)

Sentences from Different Newspapers:

1. “The absorbent material quickly soaked up the spilled liquid.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The new diapers are highly absorbent, keeping the baby dry for longer periods.” – The Bangladesh Times, 20th April 2022.
3. “The sponge is an excellent absorbent for cleaning up spills.” – The Daily Sun, 5th May 2022.
4. “The absorbent nature of the soil helped retain moisture during the dry season.” – The Independent, 10th June 2022.

Meaning in Different Languages:

– Bengali: শোষক (shoshok)
– Arabic: ماص (maas)
– Chinese: 吸水性的 (xīshuǐ xìng de)
– Tamil: ஈரப்படுத்தும் (īrappaṭuttum)
– Urdu: جذب کرنے والا (jazb karne wala)
– Telugu: ఆకర్షించే (ākarṣiṁcē)
– Russian: впитывающий (vpityvayushchiy)

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