Abet: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation
Meaning in Bengali:
সহায়তা করা, উত্তেজনা দেওয়া, সহযোগিতা করা, প্রচার করা
Part of Speech:
Abet Synonyms:
encourage, support, assist, aid, promote, incite, instigate, provoke, stimulate, back, help, facilitate, further, contribute to, collaborate, cooperate
Abet Antonyms:
বিরোধ করা, প্রতিষেধ করা
Nearby Words:
1. Abeyance (Noun):
Temporary inactivity, suspension, or cessation.
2. Abhor (Verb):
Regard with disgust and hatred.
3. Abide (Verb):
Accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).
4. Abode (Noun):
A place of residence; a house or home.
Sentences used in different newspapers:
1. The Times of India (June 15, 2022):
“The accused was charged with abetting the crime and was arrested.”
2. The Guardian (July 2, 2022):
“The government is accused of abetting corruption and nepotism.”
3. The New York Times (August 10, 2022):
“The organization actively abetted the development of new technologies.”
4. The Telegraph (September 5, 2022):
“The suspect was found guilty of abetment in the murder case.”
Meaning in different languages:
– Bengali: সহায়তা করা
– Arabic: يساعد
– Chinese: 教唆
– Tamil: உதவி
– Urdu: حمایت کرنا
– Telugu: సహాయం చేయు
– Russian: поощрять
– Dictionary.com
– Wikipedia.org
– TheFreeDictionary.com
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