
Alone: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali:

একা (eka), অকেলা (akela), একলা (ekla), একাকী (ekaki)

Part of Speech:

Adjective, Adverb



Alone: Synonyms

solitary, lonely, isolated, single, unaccompanied, lonesome, solo, only, individual, sole, unique, separate

Alone: Antonyms (with meaning in Bengali)

সঙ্গে (sange) – with, সহবাসে (sahobase) – accompanied, সহযাত্রী (sahayatri) – companion, সহকর্মী (sahakarmi) – coworker

Nearby Words

1. Solitude (Noun):

একাকিত্ব (ekakittwo), নির্জনতা (nirjonota), বিচ্ছিন্নতা (bichhinnota)

2. Isolation (Noun):

বিচ্ছিন্নতা (bichhinnota), নির্জনতা (nirjonota), একাকিত্ব (ekakittwo)

3. Solitary (Adjective):

একাকী (ekaki), একলা (ekla), অকেলা (akela)

4. Loneliness (Noun):

একাকিত্ব (ekakittwo), নির্জনতা (nirjonota), বিচ্ছিন্নতা (bichhinnota)

Sentences Used in Newspapers

1. “She prefers to be alone and finds solace in her own company.” – The Daily Star, 15th March 2022.
2. “The isolated island is a perfect destination for those seeking solitude.” – The Independent, 20th June 2021.
3. “He embarked on a solo journey to explore the wilderness.” – The Guardian, 5th September 2020.
4. “Despite being surrounded by people, she felt lonely and disconnected.” – The Times, 10th December 2019.

Meaning in Different Languages

– Bengali: একা (eka)
– Arabic: وحيد (wahid)
– Chinese: 独自 (dúzì)
– Tamil: தனித்த (taṉittu)
– Urdu: اکیلا (akela)
– Telugu: ఒక్కటిగా (okkaṭigā)
– Russian: один (odin)

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